designboom mart sydney 2008
哈 澳洲人的笑聲超有趣

每天都五顏六色的親友團 哈 my dear family

the very first one customer in sydneyMr. Leigh and Mrs. Leigh

很開心可以有這個機會去雪梨參展,認識很多新朋友,大家都很開朗,一起把展場佈置完很妙,就像之前的畢業展一樣,人客們最大的不同是外國人的笑聲都超有趣的,真希望可以錄下來,看大家玩的很開心、很驚訝,ㄧ切辛苦就值得了!感謝耶穌,讓我認識世界有多大,將ㄧ切開心榮耀歸給祢 :)

I'm glad that designboom gave me a chance to be participate in designboom mart sydney 2008. There were many interesting designers, and we built up the mart together.

Some customer gave me very good advices, and some encouraged me with smiling faces. I had learned a lot from this experience. Thanks everyone for these great memories! Thank God let me have a chance to meet the world, and all the joy and honor are yours.


Anonymous said...

hi wei-ting!

my name is julie remember a few weeks earlier when i asked your permission to feature Play Card on my blog? here is the article if you would like to see it


and thanks for adding vipgirlstyle onto your friends list! =D i've linked you back

give us a shout when exhibiting in sydney again!

keep in touch

wei-ting chang said...

hello Julie :)
I'm gald that Play card could have the chance to feature on VIPGAL. And I have seen the article few weeks ago. ha! The exhibiting experience in sydney is great, and now I want to try to contact some great designshops in sydney. Ask them about the chance to sell Play card in sydney. Could you help me to recommend some shops? I believe your sense :)
thank you very much!
have a nice day